Clean energy (CNG) for Vehicle fueling from renewable methane produced from food waste.
We are working with Impact Bioenergy, Auburn WA, and their food waste recycling systems to capture the renewable methane, then process through the BRC FuelMaker, FMQ 10, and fuel two vehicles at a time, producing approximately 4 gallons of CNG per hour.
Delivery to Impact Bio
Front view
Rear view
Meeting of the Minds
Mike Nykreim, Home builder & BRC FuelMaker distributor, meeting with Impact Bioenergy - Jan Allen, P.E., CMQ/OE, Michael J. Smith, Attorney, LEED AP, and team.
Systems Check
Mike showcasing the FuelMaker internals.
Mike talking electrical components with Impact Bio team member.
Placement of main unit, dryer, dispenser - within configuration outlined on spec plans for easy placement at final destination.
Impact Bioenergy System
Food waste to renewable energy.